No period after car accident


I want to throw out there.. I’m aware i should and will bring this up to Dr.

So I was in a car accident 3 days before my fertile week started.

I got a sever concussion and was pretty banged up.

I am now 8 days late to my very regular period…

I thought maybe it was just time to be late. Then the next couple days thought hmm. Maybe it’s because of the accident it’s delayed. Then today I started feeling really crampy in my lower back like a period. I also hav some sharp twinge like cramps in the middle of my lower belly along with aches on the sides…. Like a period…. I have two other kids (5 and 8) I have cerclage with both. And feel twinges in my cervix now and again with my symptoms as well. I felt these with all my pregnancies…. And I’m supposed to take a test tomorrow….. I’m so scared and sad already to crying that I know more than likely it will be a no….. (oh yea also emotional like a period lol)

Do I even take one? But ifffff I magically was I need to know how far along so I could get my cerclage on time(it’s when you need a stitch in cervix to hold your baby in)

I been googling when I should be sleeping… and all I’m finding is I’m either pregnant or missed period cuz of the head trauma…

I can’t remember when I had sex before the accident I feel like it may have been the night or day before…. Idk …idk…. But I know we didn’t have sex the week I was fertile the following days of the accident. So it’s highly unlikely it would be positive….. right? ….. I read that it could mess with your fertility . I woke up twice tonight now thinking about it until I start crying and I’m pissed….. I know I have two and to be thankful for what I have and I am. I’m so thankful for them… and the drs who helped me have them safely.. the car accident was scary and make me not want anymore when I turned and saw my kids and couldn’t help them both at the same time when they both were….not well…. It was the most scariest time in my whole 30 years…and I thought I for sure didn’t want anymore after that.. but now. Idk now I’m just reliving the scenario and thinking about all this and it’s 4:35 am!!!! This the second time I woke up crying about this….. gosh…… anyways just comming on here to see if anyone was through the same thing how did it work out for you or if any body knows anything about this? Idk if not. Cool .. and thank you to anyone who read it all the way to the end lol.