Tired of the let down

Markesha • Mom, Wife, Realtor- Living, praying, traveling and making life better for my legacy! Son (18) Daughters (8 and 5) Furbaby ( 4 yr old Poodle) Praying God continues to bless this world with beautiful babies!

Every month around the time for my cycle I go through a major mental f&ck!

Last month just to see I took a test the day before my period was due and it was positive. 2 days later my cycle showed up.

Now today I’m due and it’s not here, AGAIN! My nipples have been sore for days and I’ve been needing a nap more and more. I simply refuse to take a test!

I would love a positive that sticks after 4 miscarriages but I’m so tired of the let down when it’s negative or I lose the pregnancy.

I won’t take a test until next Friday. No getting my hopes up this time.