Round ligament pains super early?


Hi ladies,

Anyone have round ligament pains super early? Like week 4/5? It's been mainly in my right side, like deep in my groin crease to my thigh. That pain happened in my 2 week wait and my OB was thinking it was implantation pains and then growth pains.

Now that I know I'm pregnant, only happens when I go from sitting to standing or from the floor sitting to standing. Today it hit super strong on the left side, and then a few hours again on the left side super strong intense pressure/pain. 🥴

I asked my OB about it at my appt last week (to confirm the pregnancy with bloodwork) and he said it's too early for round ligament pains and could be growing pains. 🙄 I'm changing OBs for other reasons but he honestly brushed it off like "you're fine, get over it".

This is my third pregnancy, my first is 2yrs old (normal, no complications healthy pregnancy); my second was a chemical pregnancy that ended in February.

So I'm just wondering if because I'm 50lbs lighter than I was when I got pregnant with my first, my ligaments are just stretched and feeling it sooner when I stand up and move around? I'm not doing anything crazy to get to standing, going slow, holding onto stuff when needed.

It's just alarming when it strikes because I didn't have it with my first until nearly 30 weeks and I'm between 4-5 weeks. 🤔 Thoughts anyone? Suggestions?