I was begining to think it wouldn’t happen…


My husband and I have been trying to conceive for almost 17 months. Around February I met with my Dr. and he started me on 5.0 mg letrozole. After 4 months of no success he put me in a hybrid schedule. I took Letrozole 5.0 mg CDs 3,4,8&9 and Clomid 50 mg CD 5,6&7. The first month I did the hybrid schedule I couldn’t do a follicle scan due to having covid. My previous follicle scans had been less than exciting. My follicles had never gotten bigger than 13 mm. But I had been ovulating because my progesterone was 16.7. So this month I decided to do a low carb diet and make sure to take my fertility medicine at the same time every night. My follicle scan showed I had 4 follicles! Two on each side. My right side had a 15 mm & 19.6 and my left side had a 9 mm & 19.5 mm on the left side! I tried not to get my hopes up too much but I tracked with opks and had sex the day before peak, day of and the day after. At my 21 day progesterone draw it was 25 mi/ul! The highest it has ever been for me!! So this tww has been tortuous

TWW symptoms day by day:

1dpo: mild cramping

2dpo: mild cramping again

3dpo: No symptoms but started having weird dreams

4dpo: Nothing

5dpo: Started cramping again. Both sides. Mild

6dpo: Still cramping. More weird dreams. My body temperature was off. I would get hot and then cold.

7dpo: More cramping. Pinching feeling. EXTREME fatigue.

8dpo: Full/bloated feeling. Increase urination. Feeling more thirsty. Feeling breathless and almost short of air. Heart palpitations?

9dpo: Feeling nauseous after eating. Appetite increased. Breaking out. Slight headache. Cramping randomly. Still having weird dreams. Took a cheapie and frer and got a vvfl on both

10 dpo: Still having some breathlessness, more noticeable veins, bloated, getting distracted/forgetfulness, nauseous. Positive digital CD25

These breakdowns always helped me during the long TWW! If you have questions about anything let me know! Baby dust to everyone!! ✨✨✨

First picture is of 9dpo PM when I got my first vvfl and then my positive digital today!