Am I wrong for going off on my boss?

I work at a daycare as the cook. I make the kids breakfast, lunch, and prepare snack. It was only me and one other person who was a guy named Drew. It was just the two of us in charge of cooking for the whole daycare. It can get stressful but we get the job done. There were some teacher assistants in the kitchen yesterday while we were making lunch. They are some of the high schoolers they hired and long story short they almost fought each other. The Coordinator asked me and Drew was happened since we witnessed the situation. We told her what we saw and went back to our day. Today we got called into the daycare Directors office with the teacher assistants who were involved. When we came in the director started grilling us about what happened and what we saw and then started yelling at us for also spreading stuff. Because we told the coordinator who is also our boss what happened after SHE asked us, they tried to say that's spreading things around. She was our boss. And she asked us what happened. Why the fuck are we being yelled at. She kept grilling us and yelling at us instead of the two people who were actually involved. She was being extremely disrespectful to the point that Drew quit right then and there and walked out. I would have too but at least wanted to finish the day to get the kids fed. If she was gonna ruin my day she couldn't wait to do it until the END of our shift. Because now I was in a bad mood and had to do everything but myself. Before I left I called my husband asking if he would be mad if I quit and he said no. I spoke to my Director and told her straight up that I did not appreciate how she pulled us in like that and how she spoke to us when we were not involved. All we did was tell our boss what we saw because SHE asked. The Director was like "I understand. It's just they were minors and everything. They've been let go anyway." I said "Okay so what they were minors? They were employees and they were the ones trying to fight each other. I'm not a punching bag for you when you can't yell at your high school employees." I think why she was being "nicer" here was because Drew quit and I'm her only cook now. I told her she pays me 7.50 an hour. That is not enough to be disrespected the way I was today and for no reason. Me and Drew stick to ourselves and get ALL the cooking done by ourselves. And now I'm the only cook because of how she treated us. She just said ok. And told me I'm not in trouble and neither was Drew. I don't think she gets it. It doesn't matter that we aren't "in trouble ". It's that she yelled at us and was disrespectful because she didn't want to yell at the teenagers who were actually involved. I have decided to stay because if I leave they have no cook at all but I'm just so pissed.