14 months old attachment issues


Hi my baby is 14 months old now. I had an extremely rough course of pregnancy and i ended up feeding formula milk despite multiple attempts at breast milk feeding. She is 14 months old now and spends most of her day with me and i do almost everything for her. I do play with her properly to avoid screen time and i dont use my cell phone when she is awake. She gets to see her Daddy throughout the day he does play around with her and very occasionally i would leave her with Daddy so get an hour of sleep or so. From feeding to nappy change and putting to sleep i do everything. But she is extremely attached with her Daddy (which makes me feel great) but she doesn’t like me at all (sometimes i get this feeling) its okay to not be a preferred parent maybe but it does hurt me sometimes when most of the times she behaves as if i dont even exist. Never looks for me or wait for me to come back from loo or kitchen, never calls my name when she wakes up. My husband does invalidate my feelings if i ever discuss it saying no she loves you too but i know what im saying. Can someone pour in some advice or has anyone had a similar experience. Thanks