Moving out first time

I’m 28 years old and my bf is 29… we have been together for almost five years and planning on getting engaged next year.

We both live with our families still.

For me, I have been living in my house since I was born. Never went away for college. This room has been my room since being a newborn. I’m very lucky to be blessed with such great parents and a nice room all these years.

My bf and I viewed an apartment over the weekend. It seems really perfect for us. It’s the perfect size, the price is really good, the area is nice ( it’s near a train station so that kinda sucks but everything else is really what we were looking for).

Every time I think about telling my mom, I start to tear up. I have extreme guilt and I know she’s going to be furious. I’m so scared to tell her. I want to tour it with her so she can see it for herself and have her involved with the process but I already know it’s going to make her very sad and mad at me.

Idk if it’s normal at my age to move out and want to learn how to be independent and if it’s normal to have this really big guilty feeling… but idk what to do. I’m so nervous. I have to tell her soon.

The place is 15 minutes from my childhood home. It’s really not far at all. And knowing me, I’ll probably come home a lot lol.