Dog bit my daughter

I have a 2 years old cane corso and he is the sweetest dog on this planet. He started resource guarding when he was a puppy and I nipped that in the butt real fast. He used to growl at anyone who played with his toys or get near him while he was eating. I started feeding him out of my hand so he stopped the growling at everyone and hasn’t done it since. I went to Walmart yesterday and he called me telling me I need to get rid of him because he bit our daughter. So I agreed at first. Then I came home and asked for the whole story. Our dog was eating our cat food and my daughter walked up to him and smacked him and told him no. So he bit her. He didn’t draw blood but left a good welt on her. I told him I don’t want to get rid of him because she shouldn’t have hit him while he was eating. And if my bf was really that mad he would’ve shot and killed the dog right then…. But he didn’t. So now I’m a bad mom for defending the dog… what are your opinions? Should I find him a new home?

ETA: my daughter is 7 years old. She never hits animals. I’ve taught her not to do that. So I don’t know why she did it yesterday. I had a talk with her about it. My dog NEVER shows aggression towards anyone. (Other than when he was a puppy and started resource guarding) He wouldn’t even hurt a fly. So I’m surprised he bit her yesterday. I wasn’t here to see or hear what happened. Maybe she surprised him and he didn’t know she was behind him. My kids have literally crawled all over him and play with him and he has never shown any aggression so I’ve always been comfortable with them playing and being around each other. Idk what to do. Everyone that has said they want him have kids. And I don’t think he’d do well with other dogs… he’s literally a big baby.. (he got into a fight with a dog he knows pretty well over a toy a few months ago)

And I have known and heard of MANY people killing dogs over biting kids. It’s no different than being put down.

The other dog attacked him first…. And my bf admitted to hitting the dog before for chewing our rug that was given to us as a gift… so we had a talk about that as well. As for the resource guarding; he hasn’t done that in over a year. He was still a puppy (around 8-9 months if I remember correctly) when he started doing that. Maybe a little older. My dog is very skittish. Especially towards men. He hasn’t shown any aggression towards any of us since he bit her so I think it was a misunderstanding and he just got surprised and reacted in self defense. But I will definitely be more cautious and make sure my bf knows to be more cautious as well if I’m not around. I’ve tried finding him a new home but I don’t want to give him to someone that has kids. And the others want him as a hunting dog and I’m not okay with that.