Please help I need advice.

I’ve been working at this job for 3 months now. When I first started it was great but over time i noticed people leaving. About 10 people left in the space of 6-8 weeks… I then started to realise it was because of my manager. To begin with she was lovely but for some time now she speaks down to me and others horribly. She disregards my feelings and guilt trips me into thinking I’m wrong. She doesn’t provide any support either.

I recently handed in my notice, which didn’t go down well with her. But my mental health working here has been at an all time low and I have just had enough.

There were days Ive been too scared to call in sick when I’m really ill and most recently in the mornings I end up having an anxiety or panic attack. It feels like I’m seizing up? Im not sure how to explain it but my whole body stiffens and shakes really fast. All because I’m scared and worried of what work will be like that day.

I am now very ill and unable to even leave bed and once again I’m too scared to call in sick even though i really should.

Any advice?