Help please

Earlier this week my husband and I had a disagreement over sex. We have been together since teenagers and into our mid twenties (until now) sex had been an area of contention for us. I have a higher sex drive than him, we have sex about 3-4 times a month. This particular day I was frustrated and he told me he was tired of me being frustrated. So I asked if he’d like to compromise, we each can come up with a plan and we could work until it worked for both of us. I told him that maybe we could add a few more times in a month (like 2-3). We’ve had a few conversations about this and I have expressed that ideally I’d like to have sex 3-4 times a week. When I suggested we do it a few more times a month, without even giving me a chance to finish the idea he says “I don’t want to do that, I don’t want to compromise”. I brought up the fact that I compromise for him, every time we have sex it’s when he wants and I never turn him down because if I wait to be in the mood again then I’m risking not having sex again for 2-3 months because we’re seemingly never in the mood at the same time. There has been times where I’ve begged him and he’s told me that I’m too desperate. I feel crazy for saying this, but its almost like he just wants to be in control of when we do it because if I stop asking and am no longer in the mood then he comes and tries to have sex with me. When I brought up the fact that I compromise for him he told me that it’s my decision but he doesn’t want to compromise for me. That brings us to today, we’ve been communicating about moving and he’s been sending me houses, I sent him one and suddenly he’s never moving again and when I asked him why he told me he doesn’t feel like explaining it to me and refuses to communicate further. Just yesterday he came up with a rule that we will work on doing something that the other person does all the time. For example, he always locks the screen door but I always forgets so he told me that I need to work on doing that. I agreed, then I told him I’d like him to work on putting things back when he’s finished using them to which he said “I never see you do that, so it doesn’t count”. It’s like he is always the exception to the rules. I’m getting to the point where I’m frustrated and honestly depressed being in this relationship.