Trying to conceive for 16 months advice!

Anna 🥀🌙 • {25}SAHW 💍❤️ Pregnant with my Rainbow EDD 08-18-2025 🌈👼🏻✨ PCOS 💙

Me and my husband have been ttc since may 2023 and have had zero luck. I have pcos and did skip my period from October 2023-May 2024 so I’m not sure if you can count those months as actually trying. I tried opks and bbt to track ovulation and got peaks on opks but never confirmed with bbt. My period has been on time for the last 3 months 30 day cycles I’m suppose to start again august 22nd hoping we don’t start skipping again. I have an obgyn appointment set up for this Friday any advice is greatly appreciated.