I know what it means, but I feel used

So a guy that I was talking to was telling me he was wanting me to be his gf, how much he liked me, and wanted to see me. I kept blowing him off for the longest time and not really giving him the time of day. Well one night I decided ok, have him over, watch a movie and talk. Why not?

Well I had him over, we had sex- he came. I didn’t. TWICE , and he barely even talked to me. The movie was half way through and he says how long does it have, I told him and he’s like yeah I gotta go before it gets too late and honestly at that point- I wanted him to leave because the fact I knew right there I was being used. He hasn’t messaged me once after and tbh I don’t care for him to because that is beyond an asshole move. I guess I’m writing this because why do men do that?? And also it’s making me feel like something is wrong with me. I’m not missing him what so ever, it’s the fact that it’s making me feel like I’m not good enough, pretty enough or whatever! Now I’m hesitant to even meet any other guy because what if it’s just not what they want or expect or if I’m not enough.