4 weeks 4 days


Hi Ladies, I am hoping some more experienced mommas can offer some advice. As the title says I think i am 4w4d judging by ovulation. I seem to have very strong symptoms. I had a clear positive on a pink dye test last Saturday but I confirmed with the posted CB yesterday. As you can see it is very dark. Sadly, my first pregnancy ended in a missed miscarriage at 7/8 weeks. That was 4 years ago and this is our first pregnancy since. Of course I am feeling terribly anxious and googling is making things worse. At 7dpo I woke in the middle of the night with some weird cramping/pulling under my belly button. Very localised, thought maybe it was implantation but decided to forget about it. I was having AF like cramping for a few days after that, accompanied by a very minimal amount of pink blood, which then turned brown for another couple of days. I thought for sure AF was on the way. Didnt arrive. On the day I expected AF it didnt arrive and I got a BFP on a cheapy. I am just wondering if it is normal to still be feeling like AF is coming. Ive a dull ache a few inches below my belly button it feels heavy or something and random pains in where I would assume my ovaries are. Also getting some pains on and off in my back. My boobs are mildly sore with the nipples perkier than usual. I did some googling and of course I get two answers. It could be normal or it may not be normal. I guess after my very bad past experience I am terrified of everything. Hoping for some reassurances. Thank you all