Would you get the police involved over this?

I had someone get mad at me a couple weeks ago because at a mom-to-mom sale, I wouldn't let her just take all my stuff for free at the end of the day. Stupidly, one of the organizers of the mom-to-mom sale connected us on Insta. Crazy lady told the organizer that she found some pictures in a box I gave her and the organizer gave her my Insta info to connect us.

Crazy lady looked me up. I've been dealing with messages now for two weeks and today she was at my work pretending to be looking for a job. I already told my work who she is and that she's sort of stalking me but I honestly don't know what to do at this point. I've told her several times to please leave me alone.

It's not dangerous stuff that she does, but I've blocked her and honestly I've started having my husband drop me off at work and I bus to different friends' places until he can pick me up.

She just sends messages like "I hope you feel good not helping out a single mom who desperately needs clothes for her children. I hope you feel good about that". I've blocked her on everything but I still get message requests and I know it's her.

Is it time to involve the police?

Edit: I responded to all the messages saying they need to stop and further messages will be handed to the police as evidence.

The police have gotten involved and are looking into it. My workplace started getting calls and it's gone too far. Geez.