6DPO yes I know it’s early, I’m crazy!

Taylor • Girl Momma to 3 Princesses! 💕 Homestead Wife

Had ovulation pain last Friday, positive test first thing Saturday morning so I am around 6/7DPO based off that! Last night I had cramping on one side and just thought there’s no way. I know it’s too early but i did get a positive with my second daughter at 8DPO so I was like screw it I have an entire box of tests I’ll take one. I could be insane but I feel like I see the faintest of faint lines. Original pic and one edited very lightly to try and show it better. I will of course keep testing as we get closer to AF dates but I have this weird feeling I am pregnant. I had it with both my second and my third so I’ll be shocked if I’m not. Lol

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