Question regarding plan b and ovulation …

THE Brittany 🦄 • Railroad Wife 🚂 Mommy to Ava Grace (11/28/15) Colton David (3/15/19) #3 (our angel 👼🏻) #4 Layla Rose (10/28/21) and #5 loading 👀

My husband and I had sex on my last day of my cycle. He didn’t pull out (I know. But heat of the moment neither of us were really thinking 🫣)

After sex, cue the panic. It was after hours so I couldn’t get plan b that night but I sent him to the pharmacy the next morning. He bought it, I took it.

4/5 days after taking it, I started what seemed to be a period. A little lighter than my normal period but heavier than spotting. I was filling pads.

Tonight, 9 days after taking the plan b — I’m having INTENSE right ovary pain. It feels similar to what I feel when I ovulate. But….I thought plan B was supposed to push ovulation back..? So did the pill not work? Am I ovulating even thought I took plan b? I’m entirely confused because I’m still bleeding but at the same time, feeling ovulation pains. (Also I don’t think it’s implantation. I mean, I guess in theory it COULD be but I’ve been pregnant four times and this is different than any implantation cramps I have felt before)