Something wrong at implantation ???

Lou Boo

I’m 23 months TTC (have a teen already).

I get such strong ovu and post ovu symptoms.

Been checked out and my guy and told all fine. I can feel such pinching on alternating ovaries each cycle on 7-8dpo.

I feel this is part of the implantation journey but my body is lacking something to push it further. ??!

I’m 8dpo today and wonder could a further supplement help me?? I don’t think I need progesterone - but is there a supplement to help implantation?

I ovulate, but this is my second cycle on Clomid to help my chances. Letzerole didn’t work last year.

The doctor said it can take 2 years to conceive? I’m month 23 now. Only getting an HSG next month (despite asking for this from day 1) !!

I take a pre conception supplement, which includes folic acid. They contain all the main vitamins. I was wondering if anything else would help?

I just feel helpless every cycle.