Implantation bleeding?



Hi girls. This is my first cycle TCC. My period comes on a strict 29 day cycle. I also never spot before it comes. I usually just feel TERRIBLE cramps and when i go to the bathroom, is soo heavy. I’m 12 dpo, 2 days away from my period. I went to the bathroom and saw little faint brown spots in my underwear after work an hour ago. I checked my cervix and when i pulled my finger out, there was the tiniest bit of blood. Super light pink. I also have very mild cramps which is unheard of for me. I usually can’t even think when I have cramps without midol and a heating pad. Should I start testing soon or am I out this cycle and it’s my period coming? I keep seeing people get positives and IB on 8-10 dpo but I’m 12. Any help??

EDIT: I was checking my cervix because I keep track of where it’s at in my cycle. Not checking for “pregnancy” or even expecting to see bleeding. Just wanted to throw that out before ppl ask.

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Posted at
i had implantation bleeding very similar to what you described on 12 DPO and i also tested that same day and got a positive test


Christina • Aug 15
I will say, not to get your hopes up for future cycles, but dehydration was one of my biggest pregnancy symptoms and it started insanely early! Good luck with your next cycle ❤️


Giselle • Aug 13
I woke up this morning and it was definitely my period. So weird that the cycle I decide to start trying, my period decides to change.


Giselle • Aug 13
I think I’m going to wait until the morning to test bc I drank a lot of water today. I was thirsty AF for no reason all day lol. Hoping and praying tho! I’ll keep you updated!


Posted at
Following. Please update!


Juliya • Aug 15
I had the same last month(


Giselle • Aug 13
It was my period after all


Posted at
@GlowGPT please help me with this topic!


GlowGPT • Aug 12
<p>It's possible that what you're experiencing could be implantation bleeding. It's best to wait a few more days and then take a pregnancy test to see if you get a positive result. Good luck!</p>