Hcg almost doubled on my third beta, but not quite


I have had two ectopic pregnancies and have a genetic condition which causes a lot of miscarriages/ chemical pregnancies. This pregnancy has been going great up until this point. My hcg have been as follows:

Tues 8/6 : 48

Thursday 8/10 : 116

Tuesday 8/13: 1049

Thursday 8/15 : 1870

So it didn’t quite double. It was about 47 hours in between blood draws. The doctor that’s helping me said it isn’t doubling like it should which I can see, but it isn’t off by much and wasn’t quite two whole days. I guess I’m looking to have some hope still but has anyone had this happen? It seems every time I get bloodwork done the doubling rate gets just a bit longer, but I’ve seen that 2-3 days is normal. I really don’t want to go through this again :/