Failed IVF second time. Dr. Robert Winston


Hi you all,

I’m 36 yo and we’ve been trying to get preagnant for a year and a half. I suffer from endometriosis and was recommended to go straight to <a href="">IVF</a>. I had 11 frozen ovules from when I was 32 yo. We ended up with only 3 good quality embryos. We did two FETs without success. Now I’m being told by my clinic to get blood tests to rule out autoimmunity and an endometrial biopsy (ERA,ALICE, EMMA). I’m a doctor myself so I went on doing some research about these tests and they don’t seem to have strong scientific evidence. I also found this really helpful blog from Dr. Winston (world renowned fertility expert).

Finally decided to go for the blood tests and ruled out the endo biopsy before another FET. Will do an update. Please fell free to comment with your views on these test.