Anyone else?


I recently went to my 32 week scan where I was told my baby was in breech position and I had low amniotic fluid, a 6 on the AFI scale. I was told to drink a lot of water but after getting rechecked a week later it only went up to a 7! I have now follow up appointments every week to check my fluid levels. Has anyone gone through the same thing and gotten their amniotic fluids up. I was told if I couldn’t get them up I would be induced in 3 weeks… before the baby gets too big and compresses her own umbilical cord.

Has anyone had the same issue but had their breech baby still turn without having much amniotic fluid? I’m being told the amount of fluid does contribute to her being able to change her position. I’m so scared for a ECV, or c-section. I’ve only thought of having a natural birth this whole time.