He emotionally cheated on me. How should I deal with it?

Hey everyone,

So I have been with my partner for 2 and half years. In November will be 3 years together. Last September, he cheated on me with some random girl. He apologised and said that it broke him when he heard me cry to him. Fast forward to last night, I went into his phone and did some snooping around since he's been acting weird lately. I found recently deleted text, so I recovered it and what do you know. He messaged some random girl that he used to talk to a couple years ago and she ended up sending him nudes and all. I confronted him and he kept lying and saying that it wasn't recent. I know it was recent because on top said " Wed 7th at 7.55pm". He kept saying she was someone from a while back. That he doesn't remember who messaged him. Anyways, I told him I'm done with his bullshit and I don't want to be with him.

He kept saying that he knows I love him too much and that I won't leave. We live together and the house is under my name. Should I just kick him and and tell the landlord or can we work from this?

He says that he loves me but the text messages that he's been sending me today is quite cruel. He kept saying that he's not happy with me and that I work too much and I don't make time for him. I work 2 jobs. I'm never home except on the weekends. I mean damn, it's not like he's providing and shit. We're engaged but he doesn't act like a good future husband. All he does is complain and whinge. He plays video games every day after work. He works one job and still expects me to clean after him. I got mean and told him that he's a desperate loser for messaging a girl when I work my ass off and I'm loyal to him!

He's lazy and doesn't do shit in the house. He always waits till the weekend for me to clean. We have been living together since November and I'm starting to hate the way he treats me but I'm also scared to start again.

Please help me! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.