am i pregnant…


so i recently redownloaded this <a href="">period tracker</a> to get some advice. i typically use stardust and i was “expecting” my period on tuesday. now i believe i ovulated late this month, i felt i was wetter later and longer than it said i had ovulated but i never logged that into my app for it to update my future period so the app says i am 6 days late even though my ovulation was late and i didn’t update my app.

now i started having period symptoms on tuesday: acne, huge appetite, stomach issues but those are chronic and normal for me but spike around my period. i also had a headache and currently have some back pain but my acne is clearing up.

i am sexually active, my boyfriend and i use condoms yet he pulls out when he finishes in the condom so the chances are absolutely impossible. but, i am wondering if i should be concered or if it is truly because my ovulation was late. i typically bleed during/around the full moon and ovulate with the new moon.

(i also just started taking metamucil gummies and don’t know if that is causing the delay)

any advice?