My ex made me feel like I was the reason he cheated

So, my ex and I broke up about 7 months ago, and he is STILL looking for ways to get ahold of me. During the entirety of our relationship, he was talking to other women and giving other women money for inappropriate pictures. There were two instances that really made my decision easy to leave him. One instance was when I saw his other phone while he was at work and he had made plans to meet with this girl and hook up on Valentine’s Day. He says he didn’t and he was just talking but idk anymore. My last straw was when I had his phone because I was using his HotSpot on his phone and a message showed up from this girl and she sent him a picture.. well come to find out, he had a whole hidden album of this same girl for over a year and a half. We were together two years. So pretty much our whole entire relationship, he was doing this. Mind you, there are multiple things in between that happened too. Well, when I finally decided to leave him, he blamed me for everything. I definitely do take blame for giving him multiple chances. But he still reaches out to me and tells me he misses me, but when I tell him to leave me alone because he hurt me, he tells me that he did it for a reason and the reason was because he felt like I didn’t love him. But I dropped EVERYTHING for him and did so much for him. It’s starting to tear me down mentally and emotionally. Idk what to do. 😭