I thought I was just waiting for a positive


After years of praying for a positive test I got one! And I thought that’s all I needed. I only used letrozole to ovulation and that’s it. I’ve known since I was 3 weeks and 2 days (I know, extremely early). I feel like everything that could go bad, has. First my hcg wasn’t moving anywhere near where it should, I was told to plan to miscarry (basically). Then it picked up and my doctor was fine. Then we did the ultrasound, found a five week empty gestation sac, perfect. Then 8 days later went for another ultrasound, the sac only grew three days but very cloudy inside and was told is was most likely the yolk sac but the gestation sac only grew to 5 weeks 3 days when it should have been 6 weeks 1 day. So tomorrow we will be 7 weeks 2 days and we get to see the sac tomorrow and the doctor will “make decisions” about this pregnancy. I want to be excited but I’m terrified for tomorrow. I’m not really looking for any specific advice or stories, just a group of people who might understand what I’m going through.