College advice please!

I'm a junior in college and decided to become a RA this year. I'm an honors student and honors students dorms are coed. So we have both ken and women. I've been helping the freshman get settled the last couple weeks and we are already having issues. I'm an RA so I have to deal with all students regardless of gender. One has come to me with an issue of their roommate having an odor. And they're male students.... The roommate that has the odor I honestly think is neurodivergent. That or maybe he's just shy. I don't know how to talk to a male about this. I thought about asking a male RA to handle this but my friend said I gotta learn how to handle issues regardless of gender. The roommate that has the odor I've been near him and I know what hes talking about. He smells just dirty. Maybe like urine. Idk. Like I said he may be neurodivergent. I know I decided to become an RA and this is my responsibility. I just don't know how