Should I reach out and say I'm sorry

I was on tiktok and saw a guy I used to date. He was responding to a comment that said "What made it bad? Just the sex?" He was talking about losing his virginity and he lost his virginity to me. He said he lost it to an older woman. He was 19. I was 24 and that it was just I was super kinky. Which I am. And he feels like he got pressured into doing things that he doesn't think he was ready for and maybe it wasn't smart to start off super kinky as a virgin. He said him and his wife are really kinky now but back then he felt uncomfortable and like he had to do certain things. I read the comments and they were mixed with I'm so sorry and you should be happy you bagged an older woman. One person commented that pressuring someone into sex they don't want to do is sexual assault and he made a video reply to that one. He said he doesn't know if he would call it sexual assault but he's processed it in therapy the way you would sexual assault and that he doesn't want me in jail or anything. I feel really bad. We met at college. I thought it was cute he was a virgin and I told him all the shit I'm into. I'm into BDSM. I also love pegging and thinking back to that I understand how I came off and that I was too pushy and I know virginity isn't a big deal to everyone but for some people it is and I can see how I may have been way too intense for his first time. If he at all feels like I crossed boundaries or even SA'd him I want to apologize. Would it be wrong to reach out and apologize.