Not wanting to send child to pre k

My son is turning 4 in February. He just started talking in full sentences and only people close to him can completely understands him. The school district we live in also isn’t considered a good school. I rather keep him home until kindergarten and maybe even homeschool him for kindergarten. What are the steps I need to take to homeschool him? Has anyone homeschooled there young toddlers and sent them for 2nd grade?

We are around kids all the time and always doing education things with other kids his ages so I don’t worry about the social part of it

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You have to contact the school board for the homeschool policy. Some states have very strict homeschool laws. Why are you skipping 1st grade? You do realize that if you skip a grade and enroll your child, they can hold him back a grade if he doesn’t meet the requirements?


Posted at
I don't think preschool is necessary. I didn't send any of my kids to pre k, just straight to kindergarten at age 5-6. They did wonderful 😊 but why are you also skipping 1st grade?


🖤Geraldine💀 • Aug 23, 2024
You don't need preschool to learn any of my kids knew all the basics by the time they started kindergarten. They just didn't know how to write yet.


C • Aug 22, 2024
I’d have to disagree. Learning early with letters and numbers and what not is crucial before going into kindergarten. They expect too much out of kids these days is ridiculous. My oldest in kindergarten was harped on a lot for not know letter sounds.