It’s official


Baby #6 is coming. According to Flo I’m due may 4th. I’m super nervous, excited, and little of everything. We tried for 2 years for this little bean and 5 months ago decided to stop trying because my husband lost his job and after heart break after heart break each month I just couldn’t do it anymore. Last month I actually deleted all of my ovulation tracks and donated all of the baby clothes we’ve been holding onto.

Last week I had a bit of blood one morning when I wiped and the next day had a uti, which is not like me to get unless I’m pregnant. Then today, 4 days before af is due, realized my boobs haven’t been hurting and I’ve been really hungry so decided to take a test and sure enough it was positive.

Praying for a sticky bean and some pink dust my way. (I have 4 boys, 1 girl)