How can I help cope with my anxiety?

I have been through four different anxiety medications now. I am currently in Effexor 75mg and it truly has helped, but lately my anxiety is so high. I overthink everything to the point it feels like it’s taking my joy. How I replay emails that I respond to in my head, hoping I didn’t make a mistake at work, thinking someone thought I gave them a dirty look. Simple things of me not being able to find something in a grocery store and I keep walking around looking.. I feel in my head that employees think I’m stealing or being sketchy. It’s just getting bad. I have been following someone I went to school with they have a court case with serious pending charges going on. I didn’t know what one of the reports were so I looked it up on Google what it was. I also googled what their charge meant & I have literally been stressing all day in my mind thinking I’m going to be flagged and arrested for looking up what kind of reports they were and the charges.

Does anyone else suffer with anxiety this bad? Like I don’t even know what to do or what medication can even help at this point. It truly truly sucks