Ivf stims day 6


So today is day 6 of stimulation and I would just love some insight on my numbers and how everything is looking.

Day 4 scan my follicles were as follows:

Left: 11(3), 10(2) <10(2)

Right: 14(1), 10(1), <10(4)

Estrogen: 486

Day 6 scan my follicles were:

Left: 14(4), 12(1), 11(1), 10(1), <10(3)

Right: 17(1), 13(2), 11(3), <10(3)

Estrogen: 795

I have another appointment on Friday which is day 8 of stims. Think I might trigger on Friday or Saturday? I’m slightly worried with the weekend and the holiday that if I need more meds I’ll be screwed but I also don’t want to buy through Monday cause I really don’t think I’ll need that long and that’s a huge waste of money. Any thoughts?