Celebrating the WIN!!!


My husband and I have been TTC for a VERY long time. We both went through testing in 2019. My tests came back great, his…not so much. He ended up having surgery for a bilateral hydrocele, bilateral varicocele & a spermatocele. His results were astronomically better at his 3 month check in than anticipated, but we are still TTC our first baby. (It is worth noting, we took a break in there around the time DH was getting out of the Navy because life was crazy with moving, his job hunt, and adjusting to a “new normal”.) Hubby went to the Urologist 3 months ago and was diagnosed with low Free Testosterone & SEVEEERE ED. He is on meds for both, and it has definitely helped. We are currently waiting on results of his bloodwork and most recent SA to make sure everything is back in action the way it needs to be.

Now on to the celebratory news: Since it has been 5 years since I went through testing, I am currently in the process again. My TSH levels were mildly elevated, but within normal range, my TV ultrasound showed NO SIGNS of PCOS or Endometriosis (just a verrrryyyy tiny polyp they suspect will resolve on its own), AND my AMH levels are the “extra fertile” kind of high.

I feel like, after weeks of testing, I can finally breathe again! I had such a knot in my stomach that I was going to get bad news that would delay us further, so this late-night email was such a sigh of relief.

True, we are still not pregnant, we are waiting on my husband’s results, and I have an HSG to do if we don’t get pregnant this month; but this is GOOD NEWS, and all good news - big or small - is worth celebrating in this incredibly strenuous journey.

Thanks for reading all of this and letting me express my joy. 💜💜 Sending all the sticky baby dust to everyone who is also still trying to welcome their first little love into their family.

Side note: My husband’s 40th birthday is 9/13, and that is also the date my next period is due. If anyone has any extra good vibes, prayers, baby dust or crossed fingers they are willing to send my way, I will graciously take them! I’d love to tell him for his big birthday that he is finally going to be a dad. 🥰