Pregmate Tests help!!


Hey Ladies,

A little background here but my husband and I have been TTC for over 4 and a half years and during that time have only have 1 miscarriage/chemical which was last May. I have PCOS which is a huge factor behind our difficulty and we have an appointment with a fertility clinic in mid-October. Bc of this appointment we haven’t been taking the TTc too seriously in order to relax and refresh ourselves…which leads us to this cycle.

My last period started on 7/18 and ovulation tests were kind of inconclusive so was my BBT which all isn’t completely uncommon with PCOS. Because it’s been so long though I also start to test about every 2-3 days which is what I did this cycle. I only had the pregmates bc they were cheap and again we weren’t really trying this time around and all were negative until I got the below this morning. This is about 2 mins after taking.

I know pregmates aren’t the most reliable and have a higher rate of false positives but this seems pretty significant for an incident line especially after only 2 minutes.

What is all your experiences with these tests?

I already plan on picking up something more reliable after work and testing again.

Not going to lie I am absolutely terrified of getting my hopes up again.