I have my laparoscopic left ovarian cystectomy booked for September 23rd, healing and recovery ttc advice for post op


I am super nervous but not for the surgery but for where else they will find endo once they get in there! My biggest fear is they open me up and find that there are several adhesions and that I might never conceive naturally. I just hope after all of this we will finally successfully conceive! 😮‍💨all of this is happening so fast. I just found out about the 5cm endometrioma 30 days ago when I should have known about it when it was small 10 months ago and had time to mentally prepare for the challenges. But the old hospital I went to was neglectful and I only found out about it because I switched hospitals and primary doctors and now things are moving, very fast. I am overwhelmed but happy at the sam time. It sucks it took us 8months I to out TTC journey to find out and now we have to take a few months break for obviouse resons.

They cyst grew to a size where I risk torsion and it could kill y ovary if that happens.

Any advice for the healing, recovery process with people who have gone through this would be appreciated and also how TTC was after you were all healed up!