Husband rant help 3 months pp (long)

So I’m the type to just get on with things and not cause conflict for ease of sake as I hate it. Before I got married to my husband he was very kind and caring with me as I always have been nice to him we got married and he was the same but now since having a baby 3 months ago (not sure if it’s the hormones or me) life and my relationship with him has gotten so much harder. I’ll start by saying he wasn’t even at the birth in which I was induced so it was planned which kind of broke me but as I say I picked myself up as I had the most wonderful baby boy. He went straight back to work and so I was left with baby all day everyday, he says what I do is easy aka look after the baby all day and entertain he’s a needy Velcro type and care at night, cook his dinner, clean everything, go to the shop and make his lunch for work ( he works 5 days 8-5 but the commute takes an hour and half) he is a fussy eater which makes it worse as he won’t eat everything I make unless it’s good enough or organic which is a pain as it make our grocery’s bill for the week so expensive. When he first said this to me (my day is easy) it honestly made me feel very bad as he hasn’t a clue what my day is like, he’s never changed a diaper, never made a bottle, never woken up in the night for the baby, in fact he’s never been alone with the baby for more than an hour. Or even by himself as he can’t do it. I try to get him to engage and he refuses sometimes he will feed him because I have to force it on him by walking away and he doesn’t pay attention whilst doing it he looks at his phone so my son doesn’t finish the bottle properly and makes a huge mess even though I’ve told him to watch. He’ll happily take him once I’ve done everything changed fed burped and is happy to show off on video chat but won’t hold him for long still. I love my baby to bits and he is my priority and lately I haven’t been able to keep on top of having dinner ready because baby needs something and I have little time ( the time while he sleeps or is calm I do take for myself eg to have a coffee or sandwich or to clean and wash clothes) he’s started to get frustrated at me shouting and telling to shut up when I try to explain why I haven’t been able to do these things and tonight hit me like a ton of bricks and I just feel like what I do isn’t good enough. I can’t even shower everyday unless he comes home there’s time and I force the baby on him. I’ve been sat in my kitchen crying for an hour now baby has been asleep he sleeps in our room and husband slams doors and doesn’t care. I didn’t get dinner ready tonight on time I made a lovely steak meal and it’s all gone to waste because it took too long. I finished making it at 9.30 started at 9 and spent time with baby wake window between 5-9 and before that also with him all day and cleaning kitchen entertaining baby folding laundry. What upsets me is he will sit on his phone and drink beer and not offer to help in any way with the baby or to cook and so I struggle by myself. Part of me feels bad because I understand he has a job he has to wake up at 5.30 for everyday so feels bad for asking him of anything because he brings in money but part of me feels like it’s his duty as a parent and partner to help me and not put all the weight on my shoulders. I love this man but tonight has made me realise does he really love me. Before having my baby he was a good man now I feel it’s different, I thought he would help with baby boy as he expressed how much he wanted a baby and how he was totally pointed that way but now he’s here it’s like he’s turned useless demanding and horrible. Sorry just wanted to rant as I’m crying it’s night time and I have no one to talk to.