Missing blood vassal


⚠️⚠️TRIGGERED WARNING of talks about potential loss⚠️⚠️

We found out by “accident” the genders of our babies Friday- they’re both girls. We didn’t want to know until they were born, but we’re told with a smile “The higher girl may have some defects, but everything surprisingly looks great!” I was of course confused and asked what was wrong knowing it had something to do with her heart due to the tech stayed on Baby B the longest and took many pictures of her heart- far more than Baby A. He goes on to say she was missing a blood vassal in her umbilical cord that wasn’t genetic but just happened during development. She was supposed of had three not two. This “puzzled” him so he continue to say how great they both were and doing, but didn’t understand why her heart, kidneys and everything else looked “so great” as if he was hoping something would be wrong. He continues with a smile saying “I want you to start taking baby aspirin in case Baby B is stillborn.” I almost yelled “what the ___ is wrong with you!” Since at eighteen weeks when I first and finally got to hear the first heartbeat the tech CASUALLY said “I’m not seeing a heartbeat with Baby B- oh, wait! I see it flickering but I can’t hear it. Okay, yeah are they in the same sac or different?” She’s been there ten years that I know of but couldn’t tell if they shared a sac or not so I told her. In two weeks I’ve heard about how my baby might be a stillborn, there’s no beat heart that can be heard to how great they’re both doing all within the same paragraph nearly sentences! At just fifteen weeks without having any problems I was told I couldn’t have a home birth, okay I understand. Then, was told they don’t change multiply births and that you “have to” have a c section. I asked would a doctor with experience in not only twin births be there but someone with knowledge of turning one of them if it would potentially be needed. Five weeks later (Friday) is when they did said now I could pick if I wanted a natural birth or a c section, yet five weeks ago they said it wasn’t an option due to its against their policy. Our next pregnancy we’re 1,000% doing a home birth and or not having doctors involved unless it’s a midwife like we (mostly I) wanted with my first/ current pregnancy. This is my first pregnancy and if I hear one more time about my two very healthy children how one might never come home with us it’ll be my last!

Update: Today (September 9th) I had an appointment with the specialist, and she said I don’t have to see her anymore as of now unless they lose any weight. They’re both 1lb and 2oz which is very good. They’ll continue looking at Baby B’s organs, but waiting two hours to hear her heartbeat seemed like a lifetime! They dad Baby A’s heartbeat at the very start of the appointment so it felt so good hearing both of them today.