Well... Looks like I will right

I am making this post as an update. My son had an autism evaluation so we can get him an IEP so he can have accommodations at his school. The evaluation was several hours long and at the end they do an IQ test. My son scored in the 60's. His school told me that because he scored at the level of mental retardation they wanted to put him in special Ed classes. Even though the specialist said to not worry about the IQ test because since it's taken at the end and the eval is 6 hours long a lot of clients get burnt out and don't try. My son admits he didn't try. I have no problem with my son being in special Ed classes if he actually needs them. Not because they're just going off his IQ. Some people seemed to think my issue is having a son in special Ed but that wasn't it. It was them only wanting him in that class because he scored low on an IQ test he didn't even try on. They gave him an IQ test at school today and he has a regular IQ. So the school was like "Oh. Okay he's fine to stay in gen Ed." The only reason they wanted him in special Ed was because of his IQ. Now that they listened to me and saw he had a regular IQ they don't think he needs the special ed classes anymore. They're keeping him in gen Ed but his teachers will be given his IEP. I'm just glad all this mess is over because even getting him the appointment for the diagnosis took forever