Concerns with Decreased Movement

I am 37 weeks today, but baby boy has been measuring 3 to 4 weeks ahead since before our anatomy scan…

I’m seeing my doctor weekly at this point, my next appointment is Wednesday.

I have brought up the last two times that I’ve seen her that I’ve noticed a change in his movements. He’s not moving as much and his movements are quite smaller than they were. I get seriously worried because there are days where I really don’t feel almost anything except the smallest movements. I’ve checked with my Doppler and can still heart his heartbeat and can pick up the smaller movements as well. Even after drinking cold water, eating something sweet, laying on my side (all the tricks) I still cannot get him to move a whole lot.

As I said, I’ve brought this up the last two weeks and my doctor tells me that as long as I feel at least 10 movements in 24 hours, he should be fine. She also said he’s probably just sleeping a lot and that he could be getting into place.

You hear all of these horror stories about women who are told that things are fine and then they’re not fine… they have not offered an ultrasound, a stress test, nothing. In fact, when I’ve brought up that I’m anxious something is wrong, they prescribe me a higher dose of the anxiety medication that I told them I didn’t want to take in the first place. I can’t go to another hospital as I’m a SAHM with no income and state insurance. The next closest hospital in my state is over an hour away.

Is this okay? Is this normal in your experience? If you ever felt decreased movement (but still felt some small movement) was baby okay?