Help!!! Baby#3 Excited But Nervous!


Has this happened to any one? PLEASE SHARE ME YOUR Experience! Ok so back story my first born (babygirl) my hubby & i had her on the first try, how ever my second born (babygirl) which we just had her 4 Months ago , my first born and my second born are 8yrs apart which is fine cause i felt we enjoyed our first born pretty well and im enjoying both my girls, now heres the thing im nervous because IM PREGNANT AGAIN! Which Thank God for this blessing but i feel kind mixed emotions cause i feel like my second baby is now a big sister too soon which by any means me and hubby didnt try its a Total Surprise we got pregnant right away again. Were Excited about baby#3. im just worried im literally having my second and third baby so close in age. How do people handle it? Im just nervous cause its my first time going through this.