Anyone see a vvv faint line?


I’m currently either 9 or 10dpo and got lots of twinges in my left side last night and then some in the middle. I get twinges every month but not this painful and not normally in the middle. I also had slight cramps yesterday which seem to have gone now. I understand it’s still super early for getting positive tests, my thoughts with the twinges is that they’re either af coming or implantation so hcg would be super low if there were any but I can’t help myself when it comes to poas 😅. Can anyone else see an extremelyyyyy faint line on test? You can see it better in person and my partner could see it too but he’s trying not to get my hopes up which I completely understand it’s weirdly darker at the bottom of the line too. Of course I know I won’t know for sure until I test over the next few days but while I’m going through the torture of waiting I’d like to get opinions please. Could it be indentation?