Period is progressively more late


My period was 14 days late in June, in July it was 20 days late. Then I skipped August but got my period first week of September. I’m not stressed, I haven’t changed anything, I’m not pregnant , I’m not on birth control, not have any other symptoms really at all and not on any medications and no existing medication conditions. I went to the gyno to see what’s going on. They were very much not listening to me. She kept telling me that it’s stress or diet change. I have not changed diet nor have had any stress. If anything I was stressed last year due to a death in the family. She just kept reiterating that it could be stress. She then hit me with the:

“well periods change all the time”

I’ve had my period for 16 years. I know my body and I know it fluctuates. Never in my life has it continuously and progressively got later and later for my periods.

Then she said to me” there’s nothing I can do, don’t come back until u miss 3 periods in a row”

I’m more livid that no one is listening to me than anything.