

I just had an appointment with the high-risk doctor. I was told that during an ultrasound they found an area on my uterus that is quite thin, where my c section scar is. He said it's not the worst case that he's seen but usually if they find this they recommend people have surgery to close the thin area, before conceiving. They did another ultrasound to make sure the placenta did not implant over the thin area because it can be very dangerous. They sometimes recommend ending the pregnancy if it is over that area because of how dangerous it can be. My placenta was close to the thin area but not directly over it, so he said that was a little better. He said I am at a higher risk for uterine rupture or placenta previa. They are going to do a transvaginal ultrasound to see how close exactly the placenta is to the thin area. They are recommending that I have a C-section at 37 weeks .Now I'm having this really high anxiety about the whole thing. Worried my uterus could rupture ect..Has anyone been through anything similar, and was everything ok?