Emotional toll of TTC

My husband and I were fortunate enough to have purchased what we intend on being our forever home. We were blessed to have bought a beautiful 4 bedroom home that we intend to grow our family in. When we moved in, we made 2 of the rooms into guest rooms and left the 3rd empty because we planned on starting our family very soon and we wanted to turn it into a nursery. Now it’s been almost 2 years of TTC with no luck. Bloodwork, ultrasounds, HSG, SA, you name it. We’ve been diagnosed with unexplained infertility and haven’t been able to get any answers. It’s becoming increasingly more difficult to walk past that empty room these days. In the beginning we were so optimistic and now it feels like a dark shadow. I keep the door shut most of the time so I don’t have to look in and see it empty, just waiting for the day we can start transforming it into a special place for our baby. I’m just so tired and never expected to be going through this. I know I’m not alone and many of you here are going through this too. No one prepares you for this and how to cope with day to day reminders that things aren’t working… sending baby dust to everyone who is trying ✨