How did you manage the world change with your first pregnancy?


My partner and I decided to make a baby. I've been ready for a child for a while so I'm happy about it, but our first attempt in bed failed because we were too nervous :D It's one thing to think you're ready and another to actually do something about it.

Anyways, we're both concerned about different things. He's worried about what happens after birth, I'm worried about everything leading up to that and the few following years.

I can imagine the world with a child, but I just realised that I can't imagine the things right before and right after birth. Getting pregnant, telling my boss that I'm pregnant, being pregnant. I just kind of always skipped over these things when I imagined having a child.

In my country (Czechia) it's normal for a woman to stay home with her child for up to three years. That scares me too much so I plan on at least partially getting back to work within the first year. My work is a great place for that, but I still worry that I have some know-how that others won't have even if they learn from me. Because I was there when decisions were made. And that the work won't wait for me and that someone else will "play my part" better than me and that I'll have to learn something else when I get back (that's not a big concern, though. It's more about me liking the part I am responsible for more than what others have).

I'm not concerned about the life with a child, because I've always had an idea and I know that my body will help me adjust to that and the my parents will help. But the career part scares me a bit. On one hand, I want to take a break from it, hut on the other I can't imagine not working at all.

Anyways. How did you manage this change of your life? How did you prepare for it? How did you feel about getting back to work?