Feeling a bit meh today


Got my first spotting for period to arrive tomorrow. Felt like I had all the symptoms. And was staying positive. But took a test two days ago and it was a BFN. Had an annual check up at guyne today and he said everything looks really healthy in terms of my overies and womb. Showed me the thick lining of my period about go start. Was strange seeing the whomb. Was hoping againts all odds he will find a baba there but not this time. He prescribed both hubby and I prenatal vits that will help with 'infertility'. So we will be taking it as of tomorrow. He says to increase the chances we must have sex twice a day in the fertile week, but my hubby works really long hours and is very tired when he gets home. Hubby says he can do once a day every, as we only did every other day during that window. Any advice will be so appreciated from you ladies. We been trying for our first.