Gift to myself

Hi! I’m in the beginning stages of divorce. I am stuck living with my soon to be ex husband until I have the money to move out and remove my name from the mortgage. Today my soon to be ex husband threatened to call the police on me because I wanted to spend time with our children and I did not put my dog into the kennel. He told me that I can’t have the kids down stairs and the dogs out because I don’t do a good job of watching them. I told him that I wasn’t choosing and he threatened to call the police. This is something I am usually terrified of happening but today I just don’t care, plus I think they’ll have a good laugh at how ridiculous it is to call the police about something like this.

That’s not the point of this post, I just needed to get that out. I want to start a care package for myself, something for when I finally get away and live on my own. I want to purchase a really nice box and store the items in. I already have a nice pair or pajamas, words of affirmation cards and a ramen bowl, I want to put more but I can’t think of anything. Any suggestions would be great and thanks in advance.

Anonymous because my sister in law is on this platform and she doesn’t know about the divorce yet.