I don’t know how to stop being angry


Over the summer my bf let his son borrow his car a couple of times. 16 wanted to you pick up his gf take her out cute. I told my bf though, like he doesn’t have his license, and he’s not on our insurance so we’re f’ed if anything happens. He swore up and down it was only gonna be here and there. I then had my baby at the end of July. And all of a sudden my bf’s car was no longer in our drive way like ever. You know I just had a baby I wasn’t going anywhere. My bf’s car is on its last leg so it’s probably better he was taking my car to work. His son was taking himself and his sister to school in the morning which was a big help with my bf not having to get to early after being up with the baby. So I bit my tongue. I hate fighting like I absolutely hate it cuz once I let myself get angry there’s no going back. It’s been 2 months at this point though and I’m tired of being in the house, and where I live the weather is starting to get bad. I am currently walking to pick my son up from school but it’s going to get very cold and raining and snow in the next month and I can’t drag my newborn out in that. So I told my bf to wrap it up that I was going to need a car back at least I didn’t even care if it was mine. And he literally said “you should have told me earlier if you didn’t want me to give the car away.” Like I feel we should have discussed giving it away in the first place. He was going on and on how his son just got a job and how could I do this to him, I wasn’t working where did I have to go. My bf is extremely touchy about his kids from his first marriage. I told him I’d take his son to work a couple of days a week but it’s not my fault he made a deal he couldn’t keep. My bf asked if I could at least give it 1 more month. And again to avoid the fight I said ok. Gave him the dates that I had plans or appointments this month and said I at least need the car those days. Financially we were living pay check to pay check before I had a baby and left my full time job so we are hurting right now. I went over my monthly expenses with my bf before even getting pregnant and several times during and he swore up and down he could take them on but he’s been struggling and stressed out. Well his son was driving home at 11oclock at night on a school night from a friends house, neither of his parents knew where he was my bf at least has the excuse of being at work, his ex wife is unemployed and home, she could care less about her kids though. She had to take her son to work AND pick him up one of the days last week I had the car and threw an absolute fit. Which I’m sure is why my bf was pushing one more month so he didn’t have to have a fight with his ex wife about how he said his son could have the car and now he’s taking it back. Anyway point of the story someone ran a stop sign and crashed into my step son totaling the car. It’s not his fault so his dad says there’s no reason to be upset everything happens for a reason. But I mean we are in absolutely no position to buy another car at the moment. We are still on the hook for the car payment. Insurance isn’t going to cover sh*t. And it’s also just the fact I said this would happen and yet I was brushed off as always. I’m always so dramatic. And I’m just angry. Because now I’m the one out the car and I shouldn’t even be because my car is here and perfectly fine. Oh and also according to my bf he said he pays both the car notes so he should get to decide what we do with the cars. But when I say I’ll go back to work he say he doesn’t want that either. But like how am I going to pick my son up now when the weather gets bad? According to my bf his ex will or his sister. But again that’s him making promises he can’t keep because he’s making them before even talking to them. Now I have to schedule all my appointments and shopping and anything around the hours my bf is off. But I mean he works 12 hour days anywhere from 4-6 days a week. That’s a pain for me and I didn’t do anything I said this would happen. Like I am just so angry. I’m angry that he makes me these life changing choices without as much as a conversation first. He been walking around acting like everything is ok and I’m just angry. And idk how to stop being angry so now he’s angry that I’m angry. But I can’t think of a single thing that would make me not angry. My car would help but then how does he get to work and he’s paying all the bills at the moment. So that doesn’t even sound like a sane argument. Like I genuinely don’t know what to do. I don’t want this to drag out for days but I don’t know what to do.