Husband just flipped the script


I'm so annoyed rn! I'll be 40 in 2months, just got a BFP after 5m of trying for our 2nd, who will be 4 when baby #2 arrives. My husband was a little anxious about having a second but it was all fun and jokes peeing on the OPK sticks and getting busy, testing every month. We saw a vvvvfp together on a regular strip and I had an early detection test at home. Did it without him and then surprised him expecting his excitement. It did not come. He's been sulking ever since telling me he wanted time to process having another kid, it's impact financially... Money is now how it was were basically living paycheck to paycheck even though we both have good paying jobs - as everyone knows the economy SUCKS right now, so we're not alone in this boat. We're a Christian family and although I had an abortion before when I was a lot younger it's the biggest regret of my life and I refuse to do it again. I'm kinda just at a loss with how to deal with this. I feel lied to and alone in what should be a happy time, especially after 7+yrs of marriage and 12yrs together. Advice?