TTC 1.5 years

We’ve been trying to Conceive for almost 2 years.

The Dr.’s say.

My body is functioning normally.

Hubby was told he had low morphology

We did one round of <a href="">IUI</a>

It failed

This marks two months since the failed <a href="">IUI</a> that we haven’t fallen pregnant.

No miscarriages , nothing in all this time.

My BMI is good

I’m relatively fit

I wouldn’t say I have more stress than the average person.

I’m only 32 and they claim I have a Great ovarian reserve .

I’ve been pregnant before

Several years ago

Honestly, I’m starting to convince myself that maybe I’m just not supposed to be a mother.

A much as that sucks.

I’m not Sitting crying as I write this

It’s just a fact of life

Maybe it just isn’t supposed to happen for us

No matter how badly we want it.

Just accepting that

Makes me feel better

Just needed to get this out someplace