Possible pregnancy??


Good Morning! It’s been a long time since I have posted on here as I just have set back and took a break. I just turned 39 and we are still TTC. My OBGYN says all numbers look good,my periods are normal and stuff so I should be able to get pregnant. Husband hasn’t been tested but w really want to try and do this without <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. Today is 3 days before my period and I don’t ever test cause I just don’t want to get my hopes up and get like a false positive and then have my cycle show or even see a negative. Today out of the blue I decided to use an ovulation test cause that’s all I had and test. I had some weird cramping last week in my lower back that I never get until my period or when I’m ovulating. Now I could be ovulating but it’s weird for that to happen for me that close to my period. Anywho I took the test this morning and this is what I got. I know it’s not a pregnancy test but what are your thoughts and experiences with positive ovulation test meaning your pregnant??